BlueVoda is really a website builder, Extraordinaire. It is an extraordinary website builder in every way. BlueVoda helped an unemployed youth like me, to attain a job. I earned respectability in the society and can now stand among people with my head held high. It is not very long when I was jobless. I used to sit idle at home and whale away my time browsing through websites. My parents were very angry with me and my friends and relatives would tease me. It affected me also but I couldn’t get a job and if I did, somehow I was unable to hold on to it.
Then one day while browsing the net, a word flashed on me – BlueVoda website builder! I don’t know why but I went on to check it out. BlueVoda was an automated website builder for website creation. Website creation … meaning that you could design website yourself? I thought it was a joke. How could you design website without any technical knowledge? Then I went ahead and saw the features of this website builder and believe me they were just fantastic. BlueVoda provided free Logos, Templates and Web Page Backgrounds to design website. There were video Tutorials and Customer Care Representatives to help in website creation. There were free images and the option to insert streaming video to design website. The best thing was that the website builder was available free of cost to design website. I had nothing to do so I downloaded the website builder and installed it on my computer. The website builder took me to a working area with all the tools given for website creation. There was a Drag & Drop option to place the Icons like sign up, inbox etc. on the desired position.
website creation
The set-up of the website builder was so easy and attractive that my heart leapt for website creation. I started the work to design website. It was a general website just to learn how to design website and it took me two hours to design website. Wow! What a grand website it turned out to be. I was so happy. Then I was told that a web hosting account was essential to activate the website. I did that and by the next morning my website was live on the net. After that I tried to design website many times and slowly I became skilled in website creation.
Website creation became a passion for me. I did not tell them that BlueVoda taught me website creation. One day one of my friends looked very sad and when I asked him he told me that he needed a website for his school but he did not have enough money to spend on website creation. I told him not to worry and to design website with the help of BlueVoda. My friend was so happy, he said that the website was so elegant and everybody who saw it praised it. But I did not know that it was just the beginning of my shining career. The school website made me popular and people came to know about me and my ability in website creation. Today I am a very busy professional website designer. I have earned respect, praise and prosperity among people but BlueVoda website builder has always been there in each moment of my success.